
一个命令行查单词的工具💻 📚

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YDDICT, A CLI tool to make looking up English/Chinese words handy 简体中文

Don’t like the resource-consuming Youdao dict App? Nor the web version? Why don’t you give my YDDICT a shot?

GitHub stars MIT licensed npm version Code Climate

gif with examples


npm install yddict -g


yd <word to look up>

Custom Configuration

You can add following configuration options to .config/configstore/yddict.json file which is located to your $HOME directory. The file will be generated automatically after your first running if it doesn’t exist.

  "proxy":"http://<SERVER ADDRESS>:<PORT>" //proxy configuration
  "color":"<CUSTOM FONT COLOR>" //Custom font color configuration, default to white

How to contribute code to this project(Issue and documentation are welcome as well).

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Run npm install to install all dependencies.
  3. Run npm test after your modification to make sure your change doesn’t break anything.
  4. Submit a PR


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